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Saturday, March 31, 2012

Wii U Price Rumors

Although the Wii U has not been given an official price tag, some respected news outlets are taking some wild guesses here. Many are hopeful to see the Wii U at no more than $250, while others firmly believe the hardware could cost as much as $600.

A typical argument may suggest that a gaming console should never cost over $300 or $400. After all, it's just a gaming console, correct? Well, for better or worse, that's where the argument falls flat. In this day of age, these once-conservative machines are becoming a full-blown HTPC, where gaming capability is only the tip of the ice berg. When you have access to countless TV shows, movies, movies and the Web, however, money should take a front seat and do the talking. There may come a time when a console could be turned on 24/7 because the entire family needs to watch their daily TV shows and movies. As odd as this may sound, it surely seems like we're heading in that direction.

Considering most people don't complain about $999.99 computers, why should we have a problem with a $600 console? I'm not suggesting it's cheap; however, with the monumental amount of features potentially available, it is getting more and more difficult to complain about pricing.

How much are you willing to pay for the Wii U and any other (next-generation) console?


Nintendo E3 2012 said...

I really hope it is not $600, that is way too much lol, and not like Nintendo at all

Anonymous said...

hi there yes $1,000 with intels 600 gb ssd or a 600 gegabyte solid state flash drive be reasionable at data transfer speeds at 600 mb/s read 600 mb/s write speeds faster the storage more fun the gaming vs ps 3 80 gegabyte 5,400 rpm hard drive with 60 mb/s read 60 mb/s write speeds

Free Wii U said...

I doubt it will be anymore than $300, Nintendo typically sacrafices better hardware for affordability. They're not about making the most powerful console they're about making the console that's most fun and they want to make sure it reaches as many people as possible.

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